Moving from Studying the Bible to Teaching the Bible
Lesson 6 of 6
Teaching Women to Teach (TWtT) began at RTS Orlando in 2018 with our foundational course “From Exegesis to Exposition.” Since then, thousands of women from around the world have participated in at least one TWtT course. Taught by RTS faculty, TWtT courses have covered a variety of topics to equip women’s ministry leaders to rightly handle God’s word. In 2021, RTS Orlando Faculty updated and recorded the “From Exegesis to Exposition” course. Six different faculty taught from their area of expertise and covered the basic principles of biblical interpretation and exposition.
This video is lesson six of six in the foundational course “From Exegesis to Exposition.”

Rev. Mike Glodo
Michael Glodo (Th.M., Westminster Theological Seminary) has served on the faculty of RTS Orlando since 1991. He has taught a wide variety of courses and now serves as Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Dean of the Chapel. You can follow him on Twitter.

Free eBook
from the Paideia Center
Reformed Theological Seminary exists to train men and women to see the beauty of Jesus in all of Scripture and to commend his beauty to others.
This little booklet is designed to give you a taste of the kind of Christ-honoring teaching that our faculty engages in both inside and outside the classroom.