Fostering Wisdom
For Whole Life Discipleship
The Paideia Center for Whole Life Discipleship is an initiative of RTS Orlando that equips the church with the spiritual formation needed for whole life discipleship. It does this by hosting theological conversations, offering biblical education, and equipping Christians to integrate faith and work.
Reading Groups
The Paideia Center Reading Groups cultivate spiritual formation in pastors and lay leaders through guided discussions and special lectures on classic theological literature. Participants gain competency in applying classic literature to our modern context and learn to converse charitably and critically about oftentimes controversial subjects.
Teaching Women
to Teach
Teaching Women to Teach provides theological education for women who teach or aspire to teach in the local church. Women who attend the courses learn to read and teach the Bible so they can disciple other women in their church.
Institute for Faith,
Work, & Culture
The Institute for Faith, Work, and Culture equips seminary students and the wider church to cultivate a Reformed vision of faith, work, and culture through lectures, classes, and other resources. Participants gain the biblical and theological foundation needed to integrate faith into work, economics, and culture.

Free eBook
from the Paideia Center
Reformed Theological Seminary exists to train men and women to see the beauty of Jesus in all of Scripture and to commend his beauty to others.
This little booklet is designed to give you a taste of the kind of Christ-honoring teaching that our faculty engages in both inside and outside the classroom.