The Israel of God: The Old Testament and Us
Lesson 3 of 3
From the first page of Matthew (where numerous Israelites appear in Jesus’s genealogy) to the last page of Revelation (where Jesus describes himself as the “Root of David”), the New Testament is full of references to the Old Testament. Often how the OT is being used by a NT author is central to the theological point being made, revealing that the NT cannot be well-understood without sound knowledge of the OT. But this raises a challenge when it comes to teaching the Bible. The NT is complex enough on its own, and the OT is even more unfamiliar to many- so when both are at play, it is easy to struggle over this double-complexity! Join us for this series of RTS-Orlando’s Teaching Women to Teach, where we will focus on developing the tools needed to understand how the NT engages the OT.Ā Ā The goal is to equip you to guide others in mining the riches of God’s word alongside Jesus and the apostolic writers, as they do the same!
This video is part three of three in the 2020 Teaching Women to Teach Course, āOld Made New: Teaching the New Testament Use of the Old Testament,ā with Dr. Greg Lanier.
- The NT’s use of the OT for understanding history, church, and ethics
- Sample exercises
- Putting it into practice

Dr. Gregory R. Lanier
Greg Lanier (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) joined the faculty of RTS Orlando in 2016 and now serves as Associate Professor of New Testament. He is also Academic Dean for RTS Global Education, Associate Pastor (part-time) at River Oaks Church, and is ordained in the PCA. You can follow him onĀ Twitter.

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